About & Topics

“Study genetics online” is a website oriented towards the basic concepts in genetics. The website covers in-depth information about key concepts in genetics, recombinant DNA technology, techniques used in genetics, human genetics, and genetics of other organisms. The website consists of an extensively searched literature written in a simple and understandable language. The articles written on this website purely contain original matter with references from various books and articles. 

 Understanding the basics of genetics
The articles covered in this section include the basics of genetics such as genes, chromosomes, and fundamental processes related to the genetic material. Before proceeding with the advanced genetics concepts, it is important to understand what the subject is all about. Knowing and understanding the subject matter helps in recollecting the key features and applying the knowledge in solving problems.

Genetics of bacteria and bacteriophages
Understanding the genetic mechanisms in the lower organisms helps in analyzing the genes and applying concepts to the higher organisms. Bacteria and phages show various mechanisms apart from the basic processes.

Cytogenetics helps in studying the chromosomes, their structure, and numerical features. Various techniques in cytogenetics help to study the chromosomes. Browse this section and enjoy the world of chromosomes.

Human Genetics
Genetics helps in studying various mutations and disorders occurring in humans. Genetic disorders follow a specific pattern of inheritance and also occur due to spontaneous mutations. Studying the genetic mechanisms underlying the gene disorders help in treatment and counseling of the individuals. Knowing the cause of the genetic disease and the pattern of inheritance helps in preventing certain genetic complications.

Recombinant DNA technology
Recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering plays an important role in developing organisms with beneficial traits. Also, it plays an important role in medicine and industrial research.

Techniques used in genetics
There are various techniques involved in genetic analysis. Studying genetic techniques help us in applying them to various experiments. The techniques help in mapping the genes, obtaining the DNA bands, and many more applications.

Important research topics in genetics
After knowing the basic and core genetics, it is now essential to apply the knowledge in research. Refer to various research topics in genetics and improvise your skills.

Genomics and Proteomics for Cancer Research

The uncontrolled division of cells creates an abnormal environment in the body, leading to a condition known as cancer. It is the b...