Natural remedies for polycystic ovarian disease

Female reproductive system and PCOS:

The polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition found in women in their reproductive years. They show altered levels of multiple hormones. They are known to produce more male sex hormones, also known as hyperandrogenism. Therefore, their bodies show typical signs of the presence of male sex hormones, leading to hirsutism (the development of mild facial hair), acne, and male-pattern baldness. Such women may have difficulty conceiving or have complications during childbirth. They may also have a risk of repeated abortions. Due to frequent hormonal imbalances in the body, affected women may have a higher risk of developing ovarian and uterine cancers. Polycystic ovaries show multiple small and immature cysts in the ovaries. These are usually immature follicles that do not develop into egg cells. PCOS also accompanies other conditions such as thyroid disease, obesity, insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity, diabetes, hypertension, mood disorders, and depression.

The causes behind PCOS are genetics and environmental factors, such as lifestyle. PCOS is associated with polymorphisms in genes. Genes that contribute to the increased production of androgens, luteinizing hormones, and anti-mullerian hormones play an important role in the development of PCOS. Various environmental factors such as diet, lifestyle, smoking, pollution, stress, etc. affect the DNA and contribute to the risk of developing PCOS.

Natural remedies for managing PCOS:

  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is also known as Dalchini and is a common spice in India and Sri Lanka. It has a lot of medicinal properties. One spoonful of cinnamon mixed with hot milk helps to deal with infertility problems in females with PCOS. Weight gain is also associated with PCOS due to hormonal imbalance. Cinnamon tea is beneficial for losing weight. It is one of the most preferred ingredients in a weight-loss kit.
  • MCT oil: MCT is also known as medium-chain triglycerides and is also found in coconut oil. Women with PCOS also experience hypothyroidism, and their metabolism becomes slower. MCT oil helps to manage weight and fastens your metabolism rate. It also helps optimize thyroid function. 1-2 teaspoons of MCT oil may help promote hair growth. PCOS women have complaints about hair fall. This problem can be solved by applying MCT oil to the hair twice or three times per week.
  • Turmeric extract: Turmeric extract helps to regularise monthly periods. It will take time, but this remedy is marvelous for your monthly periods. The irregularity of periods is one of the most important signs of PCOS. One can apply turmeric paste to the skin to reduce the chances of hirsutism (facial hair growth in PCOS, commonly observed due to hormonal imbalance). Turmeric paste can be prepared by adding a tinge of turmeric to honey and a little bit of lemon juice. A thick paste can be made and applied to the face. This paste should be kept for half an hour and repeated 2-3 times per week. Facial hair growth reduces, and your skin will get a glow and feel fresher. Make sure you use only a little lemon.
  • Amla juice: Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Amla juice is beneficial for promoting hair growth and also prevents hair fall. Drinking 30 to 40 ml of amla juice will be beneficial for women with PCOS.
  • Evening primrose oil: Evening primrose oil helps to manage symptoms such as breast tenderness, premenstrual syndrome, irritability, depression, and acne. Evening primrose oil may help to deal with inflammation in arthritis. 1-2 grams of evening primrose oil per day are recommended. Do not exceed the dosage.

PCOS must be managed with proper nutrition and regular physical activity. Exercise and physical activity are a must since PCOS puts you at risk of becoming obese. Make sure you walk or run every day for at least half an hour, preferably in a pollution-free area. Walking ensures a better flow of blood and oxygen to your body. Do not discontinue the medications as prescribed by your doctor. The above remedies are to be followed along with your regular medication. However, before implementing any remedies, consult with your doctor. Allow yourself some time to recover after taking medications, and then continue with natural remedies.

Disclaimer: This blog contains general information and does not offer medical advice. The information shared on this blog is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and you may seek guidance from a medical practitioner.



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