Calcium Orotate and Bone Health

 Bones play a crucial role in providing structure and protection to the body. They help to anchor muscles and store calcium. Bones keep changing as per the requirement. New bones get formed when old bones get broken down. A process called ossification, also known as bone formation, involves the formation of new bones. Important bone minerals include calcium, phosphate, and magnesium. 

When we are young, our body quickly adapts to changes. Bone formation occurs at a faster rate. But as we age, bone breakdown starts exceeding bone formation. It sometimes results in bone loss and other complications. As bone remodeling continues, you may lose slightly more bone mass. Bone health is mainly dependent on how well the calcium gets absorbed. It also depends on the number of minerals in the bones that decide your bone mineral density. 

Bone Health and Calcium:

Bone health is mainly affected by calcium, vitamin D. medications, hormones, age, and physical activity. The strength of the bones is mainly gets reflected in bone mineral density. It decides the calcium content of the bone. Calcium is the most important mineral required for bone health. It makes 1.5-2% of the body weight and exists in the form of free-dissolved calcium ions in the blood. It constitutes up to 99% of hard tissues such as bones and teeth. Other minerals present in the bones are phosphorus and magnesium. Magnesium is an important mineral that participates in many enzymatic reactions and supports muscle relaxation. Calcium and inorganic phosphate constitute the bone mineral hydroxyapatite and strengthen the bone. During pregnancy, adolescence, and old age, calcium needs are higher. A deficiency of calcium results in various bone disorders such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Various types of calcium supplements are available in the market. Calcium carbonate, calcium citrate malate, calcium rotate, and calcium aspartate are commonly available in different brands. Out of all these calcium supplements, calcium orotate is best known for its absorption.

Bone Mineralisation and Remodelling:

Calcium depletion in the bone is a common cause of orthopedic complaints. No sooner the calcium gets depleted in the bone than the complication starts. Hence to protect the bone, our body has a natural cycle for remodeling bones. It is commonly known as the Bone remodeling cycle, which involves mainly two phases, bone resorption, and bone formation. Low calcium levels in the bone stimulate cells known as osteoclasts to attach to the bone. It occurs in the bone resorption phase. Osteoclasts release enzymes to liberate calcium. As a result, the bone gets depleted of calcium since all the calcium enters the bloodstream. Since the bone is depleted of calcium and is in a weakened state, it triggers repair and remodeling. Osteoblasts are activated to repair the damage that has happened to the bone. Calcium Orotate is a calcium salt of orotic acid, a mineral transporter. Orotic acid enables calcium gets deposited in the osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are structural cells that are specialized for bone remodeling. Osteoblasts thereby combine with calcium and strengthen the bone. Orotic acid is a part of the vitamin B complex. Orotate is known to take part in mineral transport and support electrolyte balance. Orotate can pass through the cell membrane and effectively distribute minerals such as calcium and magnesium throughout the body. 

Orotate as a mineral transporter:

Minerals require transporters to become bioavailable. Orotate acts as a mineral transporter. Thus it can efficiently transport mineral calcium to mitochondria and other intracellular structures and organelles. The main advantage of Orotate as a transporter of calcium is that Orotate delivers calcium to the desired site and does not allow hypercalcemia, which is a common complaint with other types of calcium supplements.

Passive diffusion:

Calcium Orotate is a stable electrically neutral salt. This complex of Orotate with calcium is lipophilic in nature. That is why; Calcium Orotate is easily taken up by the cell membrane, through passive diffusion. Once calcium Orotate enters the cell, it participates in various cellular pathways. In this way, calcium is transported into the cell. Orotate salts are relatively stable against dissociation. 

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